Timesheeter is an application that helps you to invoice hours worked, scheduling appointments and jobs with its specific expenses, as well as generate invoices and receipts for easy recording and sending by e-mail.CREATE A CUSTOMERCreate a customer with contact and address data.DEFINING A BILLING PROJECTUm billing project is like a category of activity that can be accomplished and billed. It will be defined with default values, such as billing type, hour rate, discount rate, time in, and time out.It will also be defined a name, and a possible default customer in case of a dedicated project.RECORDING A TIME BILLINGRecord a time billing specifying a project, a customer, a hour rate and a possible discount percentage. So, you will be able to generate an invoice to it.STARTING A COUNTINGFrom the home screen, it will can be started a new generic counting, as well as a pause during it, that will be headed to a new time billing.Start it from the biggest button at the bottom right of the screen, and end it up from the minor button above.CREATING A BILLCreate a invoice to a specific customer checking all his times open yet. Define a due date for it as well.View, print, send by e-mail or record a payment directly.SCHEDULING APPOINTMENTSSchedule a new appointment with hour, date, customer and a description.You will be able to view how many appointments you have for the current day in the home screen.SCHEDULING A JOBSchedule a new job com its accomplish date and a customer. Also record all its expenses.Generate a budget, a service order, or finally a receipt that will can be sent by e-mail or registered a payment directly.VIEWING YOUR EARNING CURVE FOR THE CURRENT MONTHThe charts screen will display the earning curve recorded to all the payments received on the current month.Timesheeter is a free application, but it uses advertising for support its development. Versions no ads can be available in future but without any guarantee.The recording of customers, times, receipts and other things has no limit, but they are saved on device storage. So, its limitations are restricted only to the available storage.